“After working for 35 years with adolescents and children, I have learned that the best way to support youth is to support the adults in their lives. ”
Dr. Kelly Moore is dedicated to enhancing the wellbeing of families through her multifaceted roles as a licensed clinical social worker, educator, and founder of Accompanied. With over 35 years of experience, Dr. Moore specializes in Adolescent Development, Family Systems, Mindfulness, and Sustainable Compassion Training.
As the Founder of Accompanied, Dr. Moore has established a transformative platform that offers a spectrum of classes, workshops, and resources. Her mission is to empower parents, caregivers, and mental health professionals with essential tools and practices, fostering the wellbeing of adults and their loved ones.
Before launching Accompanied, Dr. Moore served as the Director of Counseling and Learning Support at an independent school in Seattle. In this role, she curated social-emotional curricula for grades 5-12, initiated a comprehensive parent education program, and developed a well-being curriculum for faculty and staff. Her holistic approach emphasizes the importance of supporting young individuals by first nurturing the adults in their lives.
Beyond her work with Accompanied, Dr. Moore contributes her expertise as a parent consultant for Aim House, a young adult transitional therapeutic community in Boulder, CO. Through custom-designed workshops, she leverages her deep knowledge and experience to assist parents in decreasing shame and enhancing their capacity to attune to their adult children.
Dr. Moore earned her Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Texas at Austin, a Masters of Social Work from the University of Southern California, and a Bachelor of Arts from Occidental College. Her academic achievements underscore her commitment to advancing the field and enriching the lives of those she serves.
Dr. Moore speaks on a wide range of topics, including stress, anxiety, wellbeing, parenting, education, and child and adolescent development. She welcomes the opportunity to tailor her presentation or workshop to the needs of a specific audience.
Previous Presentations
Creating Resilience for Our Families Lectures provided for University Prep, Lakeside School and Eastside Preparatory School throughout the 2020/21 school years.
Advanced Caregiving Skills for Children with Mental Health Challenges: Using Emotion Focused Family Therapy as a Tool for Healing AIM House, Boulder, CO. 3 times yearly
Creating a Culture of Well-being for All Three-part series for parents at The Overlake School, Redmond, WA. 10/19-2/20
Creating Compassionate and Just Communities Keynote speech at Organization of Parent Education Programs (OPEP) Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. 3/2019
What’s Love Got to Do With It: Social Justice and Contemplative Practice Day-long workshop at the University of Washington, Center for Child and Family Well-being, Seattle, WA. 1/2019
Safety, Connection and Leadership, Daylong workshop at University of Washington, School of Public Health, Seattle, WA. 4/2019
Leadership and Story Daylong workshop at University of Washington, School of Public Health, Seattle, WA. 8/2019
What’s Love Got to Do With It: Social Justice and Contemplative Practice” Presentation at the annual ACMHE (Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education) Conference, 10/2018