In this transformative retreat, we'll embark on a profound exploration of self-discovery and expression. Led by renowned facilitators Kelly Moore, Ph.D., and Veta Goler, Ph.D, we'll delve into powerful practices that reveal your soul's deepest callings and overcome the obstacles that have hindered your fullest self-expression.
This retreat offers a unique and holistic approach to unearthing and sharing your innate gifts with the world. It blends Kelly's expertise in her Accompanied Blueprint for supporting caregivers and youth in flourishing with Veta's mastery of helping people enrich their lives through self-love, meaning, and purpose via contemplative practices. Kelly and Veta will guide you through a profoundly immersive experience by drawing from their personal journeys and enlightening philosophical discussions.
Together, they provide a powerful synthesis that allows you to discover how radical self-compassion can unlock your inherent genius, empowering you to serve others with authenticity and profound impact.
Join Our Retreat: We believe in making this retreat accessible to people from all walks of life. To honor this commitment, we’ve created a three-tiered pricing structure, we trust and honor your decision to select the best tier for you.
Base Level
This reflects the actual cost of putting on the retreat.
Supporter Level
If you’re able, consider paying this amount to help provide scholarships and partial scholarships for others.
Sustainer Level
By choosing this tier, you’ll make the retreat accessible to even more people who wouldn’t otherwise be able to attend.
Need Financial Assistance?
If none of these options feel accessible, please contact us. We’re happy to discuss full or partial scholarships to ensure no one is excluded from this experience due to financial limitations. Together, we can create a retreat experience that is enriching, inclusive, and supportive of our entire community.